Services & Fees
You will get a high-quality home inspection backed by experience and care.
Color coded system tabs on every page makes it easy to navigate. The reports are easy to read and very understandable. Pictures and illustrations are included to make noted problems clear. View sample report.
What does a home inspection cost? You don’t have to jump through hoops to find out how much you’re going to pay for gas, food or clothes. So why should it be that way in the service industry? You’re right, it shouldn’t!
A photo speaks a thousand words. All noted recommendations in your report will be annotated with red or orange shapes. That way you will know exactly what you’re looking at!
No waiting 2 or 3 days for your home inspection report. With us, you will have your report within 24 hours. In most cases, you will have your report emailed to you the same day as your inspection.
Residential home inspection services include any single-family home. We will compile a complete analysis of the home’s systems and structures to determine health & integrity. We know that purchasing a home is one of the largest investments that you’ll make throughout your lifetime. With this in mind, we take care to note every detail during the inspection process.
If you are listing your home on the market and would like to have its condition assessed beforehand, Greene Home Inspections is here to help. The inspector will assess the home and its major systems to determine if the home has been well-maintained and that the home is in good condition to be put up for sale.
Most builders offer a one-year warranty on a new home. We perform a full home inspection before the builder’s warranty expires. Just because your home is new, doesn’t necessarily mean it is defect-free. At your 11-month mark, take advantage of your last chance to take advantage of your warranty!
Just like your car, your home needs to be maintained. As homes age, the quality of the building and its utilities begin to deteriorate. Our annual maintenance inspections include roof inspections, plumbing inspections, electrical inspections, foundation inspections, attic insulation inspections and building structure inspections.
The purpose of an infrared scan is to find hidden issues and catch them before they become a major problem. Thermal imaging is an advanced & newer technology that inspectors use to get temperature details about a home, and assess how protected against environmental elements the home is. With the use of our infrared camera, we can help identify moisture, insulation, electrical, HVAC concerns, and more.